
Several long-standing members of your Committee decided not to stand for re-election at the AGM or to retire from that date.

Thankfully, a number of members have come forward to temporarily fill the vacancies.

However, the Society still needs a full-time Chairperson, Secretary, Exhibitions Co-ordinator, IT Support Coordinator and a leader for the demonstrations sub-committee.

Volunteers are also required to provide practical help at demonstrations exhibitions.

If you feel you could take on any of these roles please contact the Interim Society Secretary.



Committee Roles

Vacant Positions, Chair & Deputy Chair

The Chairperson’s role consists of two separate parts:

Planning and running meetings: being sure everything is covered and decisions are made when required; keeping order; helping the group deal with differences of opinion and conflicts; being sure that everyone who wants to has a chance to speak.

Ensuring the organisation as a whole makes and sticks to priorities and policies: serving as a spokesperson for the group; making essential or emergency decisions between meetings; helping workers to deal with difficult situations.

The Chairperson is responsible for making sure that each committee meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner. The Chairperson must make the most of all his/her committee members, building and leading the team. He or she will help the group deal with differences of opinion and conflicts and make sure that everyone who wants to has a chance to speak.

The Deputy Chair supports this role.

Vacant Position, Membership Secretary

The Membership Secretary records and holds the Society’s official records of members on behalf of the membership.

Vacant Position, IT Coordinator

The Society utilises a wide range of IT systems, the IT Co-ordinator leads the IT subgroup which supports these facilities and services e.g website, email, facebook etc.

Vacant Position, Exhibition Co-Ordinator

The Society aims to provide an outlet for artists’ work and is eager to encourage ideas for future exhibitions, the Exhibition Co-ordinator leads the exhibitions subgroup.

Vacant Position, Treasurer

As the Society’s Treasurer, the task is to ensure that sufficient funds are available to finance all it’s activities, to monitor income and expenditure throughout the year and, at the end of it’s financial year, to prepare and submit for audit the annual accounts of the Society

Vacant Position, Secretary

The Secretary records and holds the Society’s official records on behalf of the membership.