Membership Application

    Details for Bank Transfer

    Art Grosvenor
    Lloyds Bank:
    Sort Code: 77-48-01
    Account No. 19172462

    Please give surname and postcode as ref on transfers

    Details for Cheque Payment

    Cheque payable to
    Grosvenor Art Society

    and send to:-

    Mrs P Cubbin
    7 Townfield Avenue
    CH3 6QL

    Please add your surname and postcode on the reverse of the cheque

    The Annual Membership Fee, which runs from 1st January to 31st December, is £20 (£10 for Junior Membership 14 – 18 years/students). If you join the Society after 1st September, the fee is reduced to £10 for the remainder of the year to 31st December. Please keep us updated of any change in contact details by completing a change of address from.

    Data Protection. By completing this form, you provide the Grosvenor Art Society with personal information which is retained and may be processed/used by the Society. Your information will not be shared with any third party. It will be retained until such time as you cease to become a member to ensure you enjoy the benefits of membership and for the proper and efficient management of the Society. A full copy of the Society’s Data Protection Policy can be found on the Society’s website here.

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