Used for all types of committee members
Vacant Position, Exhibition Co-Ordinator
The Society aims to provide an outlet for artists’ work and is eager to encourage ideas for future exhibitions, the Exhibition Co-ordinator leads the exhibitions subgroup.
Pamela Cubbin, Interim Membership Secretary
The Membership Secretary records and holds the Society’s official records of members on behalf of the membership.
Neil Richardson, Interim IT Coordinator
Long term member Neil is a former treasurer of the Society who has been drawing and painting most of his life.
Wendy Sutton
Wendy joined the Society in the mid-eighties and was asked to join the Committee in the mid-nineties, since when she has served as Publicity Officer, Exhibition Secretary and vice-chairman.
Kevin Barnett, Treasurer
As the Society’s Treasurer, Kevin’s task is to ensure that sufficient funds are available to finance all it’s activities, to monitor income and expenditure throughout the year and, at the end of it’s financial year, to prepare and submit for audit the annual accounts of the Society
Vacant Position, Secretary
The Secretary records and holds the Society’s official records on behalf of the membership.
Angela Lees
Angela is a Chester resident who is a self-taught artist having painted in oils and watercolours (occasionally pastels) since childhood. Angela is delighted to be on the committee of such a long-standing arts society.
Irene Goodier
I think my interest in art began in infant school via a lovely teacher who spent hours of her time painting scenes from our reading books on the windows. It made both reading and illustration exciting and I have spent my life indulging in both. My main subject at college was art and I hope … Read More